The Romeros

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30- 12 weeks

Today we went for our First Trimester Screening! The ultrasound technician proved to be very patient, as baby Romero was refusing to get into the proper position for measurement! Upside down and sleeping was just not going to do!! I had to stand up and do toe-touches in hopes that the baby would turn right side up. When that didn't work, I had to go for a 15 minute walk and snack to see if baby would start to cooperate. That did the trick! After an hour of acrobatics on the table, we were able to get the information we needed! Baby Romero was kicking and moving both legs and arms. The results of that appointment were wonderful; 1:9,000 chance of Down Syndrome and 1:7,000 of Trisomy 17 and 18. Our little love is looking healthy and strong!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Romero's First Photo!!

With much anticipation we went to see our OB today!! After the introductions we waited with anxious hearts for her to pull in the sonogram machine. Then, much to our surprise she announced that the office doesn't do ultrasounds on the first visit. Really? REALLY!!?? Mike sat patiently while I burst into tears, devastated that we would not get to see our little peanut! With understanding (or maybe pity) the doctor agreed to do one on her lunch hour. Thus, the beautiful picture of our 9 week baby...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

8 weeks and counting

No, its not alcohol. In order to maintain the facade of a non-pregnant woman, Michael refilled Amanda's drinks throughout the night at Kim's wedding. We hoped to fool the rest of the family by disguising her shirly temples as various mixed drinks. In addition, Amanda had to add extra material to her dress to make room for her baby-belly.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 27th- 7 weeks Prego

Happy Thanksgiving!! Tomorrow we are 8 weeks!! I am in multiple layers, praying my mom doesn't suspect anything!! The nausea had just kicked in the week before and I'm trying very hard to not look too miserable!! Did I pull it off?....

Friday, October 31, 2008

My First BFP

Here is our first Big Fat Positive!!! I secretly tested upstairs while Michael was on the phone downstairs. Even though it was a bit early to test, I just had this feeling that we were expecting. The two lines popped up right away! I waited at the top of the stairs until Michael finished his phone call and asked him to come up. I took him into the bathroom and showed him the results. He said "are you kidding me?" with a huge smile and lots of excitement. "No" was my reply! "Well, come here" he said, and pulled me into his arms. We both stood there hugging for a moment, letting it all sink in. Needless to say, we were excited and nervous all at once!! I tested a second time, for good measure, and of course it confirmed "We've been blessed!"

Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 25th- "3 weeks" Prego and clueless

Here we are at one of our favorite places on earth!! We had no idea that we were expecting!! We had Padre brain and spent the day running the bases and basking in the sun in center field!! Thank goodness I took advantage of the mini skirt....I'll probably have to bury it now!!