The Romeros

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm 3 months old!!

That's right, Baby Michael is three months old!! He is growing fast and doing new things every day! He loves to stand now and often refuses to bend in half when we try to sit him down. He is getting bigger (especially his tummy!) and recently weighed in at 13 lbs 5 ounces. His hair is growing and beginning to flip up like little feathers on his head. His favorite activities are taking a walk in the sling, sitting in his bouncer, and relaxing with his daddy. He also is becoming very fond of the TV, so Mike and I have had to turn it off so that he can't watch it.

The pics above are sweet smiles he flashes when he wakes up from a good nap. These are some of my favorite moments with him! What a handsome little guy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just as she did for 9 months, Momma continues to carry her heart, hopes and dreams just above the belt line. This may be just an evening stroll with her son, but for him, it is an exploration of an unfamiliar world made pleasant by the warm touch of familiar skin. As baby explores the smell of fall wind and the sounds of a slightly suburban neighborhood, his mother keeps a vigilant eye on him at all times. Having explored this new world many years ago, Amanda has taken on the role of Momma and shows true perfection through her motherly instinct. The simple act of putting a cap on baby serves multiple loving intentions and as the thoughts of a runny nose and bright sunrays run through her head, he just sits content, wondering what that warm feeling is.
These little things are what make my wife a great mother and me so proud.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Lets go padres, Lets go!!

Can you believe this is our first family photo since delivery day? It seems one of us is always behind the camera. Here we are.. The Romeros 5 before a Padre game. Well, Baby Michael didn't get to go, he stayed home with his Nana Deanne and Grandpa Mike. But we dressed him in a baseball outfit so he could cheer from home! Michael and I know we look a little tired, but we still manged to have a great time at the game. Padres lost...of course! But the hot dog and beer softened the loss!