The Romeros

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Michael's Organic Garden

Here are a few pics of Michael's organic garden! Unfortunately we had to trim down the lettuce, as some local worms decided to go organic as well! Our snap peas are clearly out of control, but particularly tasty. As you can see, the tomatoes are making progress, the strawberries look promising, and the onions...well, we ate them! Michael does an amazing job harvesting our crops with care. I feel so lucky to have such a nurturing husband!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let's Play Ball!!!

It's that time of year again! Baseball is in full swing and we are faithful fans! We are preparing for our little slugger with some cute baseball gear. Thank you Jenny for helping us celebrate our little man with some cute All Star clothes! We can't wait to share our passion for the game with baby Michael!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Belly Grows on...

Yes, as baby Michael continues to grow, so does my belly. Michael insisted this photo be of my bare belly for full effect. Baby Michael is very active and Daddy and I love to watch as my tummy jiggles and wiggles with his movement. He really likes to move when I awake in the morning and when I relax on the couch at night. We have 12 weeks to go and we are so excited to see what our little man is going to look like! Many of you have asked about Michael's garden and we will soon post a pic of his great success!!