The Romeros

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Yum Yum Chocolate!

Little Michael has his parents sweet tooth! He is a big fan of ice cream, vanilla milkshakes are his fave!! He loves cookies, cake, and muffins....if it's sweet, he is usually a fan. We try not to give him candy, but lately he has gotten more than his share. So in the spirit of....well..."what the hell" we took him to Sees Candy to try his first true chocolate delight. Let's just say he's a fan!

Really, that face means yummy!

Friday, April 29, 2011


First time out on the sand with buddies......


Holding hands with Isla......


Terry Lane Gang!

We have a blast here on Terry Lane! When we rented this house we were quickly informed that we were being adopted by great neighbors. We feel so lucky to be surrounded by families who love to celebrate everyday life. On most Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, sometimes Mondays, maybe Tuesday and Wednesday, and usually Thursdays you will see all or some of us at some point in our yards with our kids. It's wonderful! We all just love to hang out with each other. We swear that when it's time to move we will be interviewing surrounding families before choosing our home! We now totally realize what a wonderful difference it makes to live in a lively, friendly neighborhood. To be able to call your neighbors your friends. It has been especially wonderful for Little Michael! He loves to be outside playing with everyone!

Here he is with Olivia (who is one month older than him) sitting on our front step.

The kids are so lucky to have David!
He is the oldest and loves to pull and push them in the wagon!
We bought this wagon for Little Michael's first birthday. Good buy!!

Look at Little Michael's face in these two pics!
If you can, magnify the photos!
His face in both are amazing!
Noah, Olivia, and Little Michael enjoying the ride!
Thank goodness we got the all terrain wheels!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What I love about my husband #1

I was thinking about my husband and all the things I adore about him. No, I'm not trying to be mushy and annoying. I have just really been thinking about how truly amazing he is. And yes, there are many times that I get frustrated with him. But to tell the truth, I married a wonderful man and I really want to let him know how I feel. I want to raise him up. So, I've decided to start posting as often as possible "What I love about my husband #__" Now please note, if I get behind on posting that does not mean that he is in the doghouse or that I love him any less. Another words, if I've only posted "What I love about my husband #7" and it's been 2 years, it's for other reasons (see previous post of top 10 reasons why I don't post). Also, I'm really going to post from my heart and will try not to post anything sarcastic! I will be nice! So here goes......

What I love about my husband #1: The way he trims pretty roses for my vases and for our friends and family.

I feel so lucky to be standing in the kitchen and have Michael walk in with fresh trimmed roses for me. It makes me feel so loved. And the beautiful thing about it is that he always trims extra for our friends and family. Thank you babe, you are amazing!

Our beautiful rose garden! Great pruning job babe!

Such pretty colors!

More prettiness...


It's about time!

So, I have gotten a few frustrated requests to update our blog. Well, there are a few good reasons why I haven't done so as of yet.

Let me list the top 10:
1. I'm a perfectionist! I sit down to update and get so caught up in the post details that I end up with a million drafts that never get published.
2. I'm tired.
3. The evening time is when I could be blogging, but am watching Oprah episodes instead.
4. I'm tired.
5. If I'm on my computer for any length of time (even a matter of seconds) my husband starts playing video games.
6. I'm busy eating ice cream
7. I'm at Target buying some new exciting cleaning product
8. I'm on Facebook, which I somewhat despise but can't cut free from
9. I'm cleaning something (with my new cleaner from Target)
10. I'm tired.

That being said, I am now rededicating myself to being a better blogger. We are so blessed to have friends and family who love us enough to keep checking our sight, so I really need to deliver. And also my attempts at keeping a baby book are horrible and another epic failure in my record keeping life, so this is it for little Michael!!

Now, all the reasons I posted are true! Pathetic, but true! So, I will not over think my posts. I will watch Oprah while I blog. I will ignore the gun fire emanating from my husbands computer in the form of mouse clicking. I will cut down on ice cream. I will stop pretending I need more cleaning products from Target. I will redirect my Facebook energy to this blog. I will stop cleaning (???) And finally, I stop saying how tired I am and thank God more for a full life filled with love and friendship!!! So stay tuned for backdated posts (to catch us up from September!!) and new posts of our happy family!