The Romeros

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I love you forever and ever....AMEN!

Little Michael has been SO MUCH FUN!  As difficult as this age has been, I love 3!  It's true that 3 is harder than 2, but it also comes with the most fascinating development of self.  Michael does and says things that make me laugh and smile every day.  You can just hear him figuring out the world when he asks questions and voices his ideas.  Sometimes he has things all wrong, and sometimes he sees things so clearly....clearer than even you and I.  He simplifies things in a way that only a 3 year old can and it gives me another opportunity to consider a new perspective.  There are times when he challenges me and times that he just needs affirmation.  Like today when he listed about 10 different scenarios and completed them with a statement about my love for him.  It went like this...
"mama, even when I still love me, you love me all the time.  And when I don't do what you still love me, you love me all the time.  And when I spill still love me, you love me all the time...etc" 
Yes Michael, I love you always.  Every moment I love you more than the last.  I love you from your head to your toes, I love your soul, your spirit, your ideas, your mistakes.  I love you always my little one, I love you all the time!  Or as we say to each other every day, I love you forever and ever AMEN!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Is it Fall?

 Is it Fall?  Well a little trip to the pumpkin patch helps 90 degree weather feel a little more like the holidays are approaching.  Michael's class went last Friday and allowed us to invite his best buddy Elyas!  It was a hot day but still a lot of fun! 

 Here are the boys waiting for their turn on the hay ride which turned out to be very educational.  We got to see a newborn in born that morning!  The mama cow was still sporting the amniotic sack! Blech!  We also got to see all the other cows that are on "maternity leave"!  They get 2 months off before their expected due date!  What a great idea, eh? 

Samuel was a great sport considering he was very hot and mostly stuck in the stroller!  He was particularly hot and sleep deprived here, but I had to include a pic!

 Beautiful Elyas!

 Our silly little farmer!

 Best Buddies!

 Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss!

 Petting corral!

A cool way to wash your hands!

 Silly Boys!  Mooooo!

Go, go, go!  Burn some energy!


 Our silly boy!

 It was a great day for friends and family!