The Romeros

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Best Memorial Day Ever!!

It was a record Memorial Day weekend for our family! We enjoyed 3 BBQ's with neighbors and friends. I think it's safe to say that our summer has officially started! We had a great time with everyone, but I have to say that the best time was family time. We spent Memorial Day doing the most American thing we could think of....we went to the ballpark! Well, that's not really a stretch for us! But it was very American and put this Memorial Day at the top of the list!

As soon as we drove up to PETCO Park, Little Michael said "baseball! baseball!" I was so surprised that he would recognize the field! We quickly made our way to a sports shop to get him a new hat (he has been trying to wear his infant one which obviously doesn't fit) While we were at the shop we got him a new bat and ball to practice with. Little Michael had a great time practicing his swing! Even though he appears to be a lefty, he pitches and swings like a righty. He was a very serious observer of the other people practicing.

Watching carefully....

Not a bad stance for a 1 year old!

Michael helped Little Michael with his grip on the bat. Now whenever he gets ready to hit he says "elbows up!" I love it!!!

His first stand on home plate in "The park at the park".

My sunshine....

Completely exhausted from all the fun, Little Michael fell asleep almost immediately on the way home. We had to smile when we glanced back and noticed him snoozing with his bat securly in his hand. This really was one of my favorite days, just me and my boys....
Sweet dreams my little slugger, sweet baseball dreams....

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Sundays at our house almost always includes garden time. There are weeds to be pulled and roses to be pruned. Little Michael loves to help as much as possible. Big Michael does a great job of including him! There really is so much to learn out in the garden. One of Little Michael's favorite things to do is mow the lawn with his papa! He always stays far away enough from the big lawn mower, but on this Sunday he got a bit too close! I snapped a few photos before telling him to move away. He just looks too cute!

The hat just adds to the level of cuteness...

Here he is watching his papa. Notice how he has parked his lawn mower right next to him in case his papa needs his help!

What a life!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Landscaper Anyone?

Or he could also pass for a Mexican garden gnome!