The Romeros

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things....

Being home everyday with two children is hard work!  It's not just caring for them that can be challenging, but also all of the details of creating a home that can sometimes become overwhelming.  So when times get tough I try and stop myself from stressing out and take pleasure in the little things that make me smile.  I try and relish in the tiny details that I come across that remind me how fun it is to have little boys.  And it is SO FUN!  Here are a few of my favorite things....

Justice League underwear

Dinosaurs in the bathtub

Mini shaving set
Finding out your son is Spiderman

Super Heroes in the sand

mini lawn mower next to Papa's

Finding out your son is Batman

Motorcycles in the mailbox

mini hats and capes on the coat hangers

Superman birthday parties

Finding out your son is Gandolf the Grey

Tiny hand prints on the couch cushions

Finding out your son is Frankenstein
Finding out his little brother is an owl

Finding out your son turns into the green lantern while he's sleeping

Thank Heaven for Little Boys!

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